Gens Connect is a nonprofit, volunteer program that pairs high school and college students with seniors to promote intergenerational bonding. In order to alleviate widespread social isolation and foster a tightly-knit community, we partner with senior homes and centers around the country and work together to form mutually beneficial relationships between our volunteers and seniors.


Over phone call or video call, the buddies meet at least once a week for a check-in that ranges from 10 minutes to over an hour! Because some seniors at the centers we work with speak little to no English, volunteers also get a chance to brush up on their conversational skills in a foreign language. Through our partnership with NYFSC and TDF, we have taught seniors how to use Zoom so they can watch movies & performances over Zoom with their friends.
Quotes from our volunteers and seniors
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Find a Branch of Gens Connect Near You!
New York
Where it all started! The New York City branch has been up and running since March 2020. Our branch works with the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Wagner Senior Center at Union Settlement, and Theatre Development Fund to bring joy to seniors through weekly calls, art classes, and monthly musicals, concerts, and dance performances over Zoom.

The Washington branch officially opened up in January 2021! Head to our Get Involved page to apply for volunteer and/or team positions!

The California branch, specifically the Fremont branch, officially opened up in July 2020! Run by two of our dedicated branch managers, we're looking forward to seeing this branch of Gens Connect thrive. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities and potential team positions!

We are seeking new branch managers! A s of right now, we will be closing most of our current branches because there is no current branch leadership. Head to the Get Involved tab if you would like to start a new branch!
It is my honor to announce that I, Andy Xu, will be the president of Gens Connect going forward.
Established in March 2020, Gens Connect is a vital initiative that drives unity and interaction between seniors and the younger generation. Our organization enriches the lives of seniors, preserves their wisdom, and teaches young people empathy and community values.

A s a volunteer at Gens Connect, I've experienced and shared in the joy and connection that our efforts bring to seniors, who often feel forgotten. My time working with them has made clear to me the importance of intergenerational relationships, which provide mutual benefits to both seniors and volunteers.
A s the incoming president, I hope to bring our organization to more seniors and volunteers alike. Among the initiatives I have in mind are holding more in-person activities and events, growing our volunteer team, and preserving the oral histories of the seniors with whom we connect. A s we move forward, we hope you will join us in our pursuit of a community strengthened through valuable intergenerational connections!
Andy Xu
President of Gens Connect